DM30 Dustsens Particulate Monitor

Automated dust monitoring for your site or city. Continuous measurement of ambient air quality is made simple with our MCERTS certified particulate monitor.

The DM30 is designed for continuous monitoring of dust levels at any site, in all conditions. It is MCERTS approved for ambient monitoring.

The DM30 is connected to our Sonitus Cloud reporting platform, giving you remote and automated compliance checks for dust and particulates.

Gear by Barudak Lier from the Noun Project

Automated operation

No filters and no set up; just power on and measure. Save time with simple equipment.

Email and SMS alerts

Our online system can check against site limits. Get live alerts for your site checks.

Multiple parameters

Simultaneous measurement lets you collect all the data you need for compliance.

Heated inlet

The heated inlet design removes moisture from the air in poor weather conditions.

world by Fernanddo Santtander from the Noun Project

Remote reporting

Get automated air quality reports and receive alerts if your equipment is offline.

support by Barudak Lier from the Noun Project

Simple field operation

Our rugged design and construction makes our kit ready to deploy on site, saving you time.